First preview MNC Identifier with in device Machine Learning

Posted April 16, 2021 by Handi Deyana ‐ 1 min read

OJK(Indonesia regulator) state that financial service must identify their customer to prevent money laundry and terrorism.

MNC Identifier is a service to identify,
and verify consumer with AI in it.



AI algorithm to perform Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to extract KTP NIK (Indonesian Citizen Number)


Face detection

AI algorithm to detect face

Face distance validation

Ensure user not too far and too close from front camera

too close

Closed Eye validation

Ensure user face straight to front camera


Face straight validation

Ensure user face straight to front camera


Selfie with KTP validation

Ensure user hold KTP when selfie using machine learning algorithm


Face smiling validation

To minimize bias when validating face and photo in KTP, identifier prevent user smiling.

In device machine learning

Every features are used in device machine learning, so it can work offline, without internet.

In this first preview we implemented client side in device ML to make validation.


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